So whilst driving about the beautiful city of Minneapolis today, Miss Liz and I came up with something new with which to amuse ourselves, and hopefully you as well. It all goes back to a conversation we were having just last night, as we were trying to fall asleep (to the gentle and soulful sounds of the man in the next room snoring his ASS off). We were discussing boys in bands that we like, and their super creepy beards. We talked about many things, including how ridiculous some non-bearded band members would look, should they mysteriously grow a beard. Naturally, as we were driving around today, the subject came up again, and we began to refer to these boys as "beard-os" (think weirdos, with a "b"). Then we thought, what if there were a way to bring these Beard-os to the general public! Well get ready, general public, because from this day forward, the girls here at PnM are excited to bring to you the......

This weeks Beard-o is none other than Mr. Joe Trohman from Fall Out Boy. I believe it is clear why he was chosen to be our very first Beard-o, as both Liz and myself are predominantly obsessed with FOB and basically everything they do, including beard growing. With the exception of one of them. We'll leave it up to you to determine which one THAT would be...
Stay tuned each week for a new BOTW!
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