It has come to our attention here at PnM that there are many people running around this beautiful planet that need to be acknowledged for their, let's call them "contributions" to society. These people apparently try very hard to get the attention they so desperately aspire to, and who are we to say "no!"?! Without further ado, we bring to you our newest feature: D-Bag of the Whenever! We will feature a new Douchetastic Loser at random invtervals (I'd love to say "weekly", but, as made obvious by some of our other features, we suck at deadlines).
The honor of being our first ever D-Bag of the Whenever goes to......
this doofus!
Yes, ladies and gen...*ahem* Yes, 3 people that actually read our blog, it's Zak Bagans of Ghost Adventures! If ever there were a crown for biggest douchebag, Mr. Bagans would be the owner of said crown. You can tune in to Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel (usually on Friday nights) to check out the D-baggyness in all its glory!
On a small side note, I will admit he's pretty hot in nightvision. If you turn the sound off.