Sunday, September 9, 2012

It's time for.....

Bizarre Youtube Videos with Bree!!!!

Welcome, welcome. Gather 'round, children. Today I have found something....well, it terrified me. In a weird adorable way.

So there's this cat video. I'll give you a couple minutes to watch it. Because that's long it is.

Alright so let's get this party started. First thing...why are you using toy cats? When I googled "cats on parade", I wanted to see some live feline adorableness. Instead I got stuffed, Made-in-China, glass-eyed stop motion. All I can figure is that Bob and Trudi (The Shermans, if you like) have a house full of children's toys for some inexplicable reason. Anyone that actually had children to PLAY with these children's toys wouldn't have time to make this shitty video.

Second...the description promises cats "doing kitty cat stuff". When's the last time you saw a bunch of cats just marching back and forth with American flags? And like, scaring off a puppy because he wasn't "respecting them"? That's what I thought. Never.

My favorite part of the video comes at the end, after the "Credits" (why?), when you learn that Bob got a paper-cut while making this video. And that it really hurt. You know what? I'm GLAD your paper-cut hurt, Bob. I hope it hurt as much as my soul hurt after watching your fake cats do fake cat shit.

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