Friday, September 23, 2011

Things I am currently in love with

Foster The People, "Pumped Up Kicks". Listen to it here.

Lionhead rabbits. They're adorbs.

Project Runway. Go catch up.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

No funny anecdotes today. No amusing pictures. No thoughts or judgements on other people's life and style choices today.

Ten years ago today, as two buildings burned in downtown New York, people streamed down their stairways towards safety. Hundreds of fire fighters were traveling slowly and steadily up those same stairways. 

343 of them did not return.

We will never forget. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Do not stop on tracks

Today, I left work early. Very early. Like more than half my shift early. So I went to my friend Lindy's house to hang out with her and her 2 year old son, Carter. Carter has this insane obsession with choo-choos. Don't you dare call them trains. Lindy wanted to get the house cleaned up a bit, so I entertained Carter. He got bored. "Youtube!", I thought.

A quick search brought up about a million and a half videos of this. What I want to know is....why? Why is someone, MULTIPLE SOMEONES, spending valuable time doing this???

Also, oddly enough, Carter was most animated about the 6 kazillion videos posted from Finland, in which the gates come down about 3 hours before the train actually comes through. Not because they were any more choo-tastically awesome than the other videos, but because it took so long for the trai...I mean show up that he continually shouted "WHERE'S CHOO-CHOO? WHERE'S CHOO-CHOO?" in my face until they showed up.

(A side note, almost every video's commentary went like this...
Carter: where's choo-choo?

Me: hold on, it's coming, can you hear it?
Me: right there, see the lights?
Carter: choo-choo! *engine goes past* bye bye choo-choo!......MORE! MORE! MORE!)

Yet again I say, who spends their time doing this???? And why do I feel like I know someone that would do something like this???

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Alright, so I should really retitle this "Scruff-o of the Week", but he's trying soooo hard!!

Don't you judge me

I have become obsessed. Obsessed to the point where you will now be receiving a weekly (which, as you ALL know by now really just means "whenever I remember to post one") dose. A dose of what? you ask. Well....behold. The joy that is Rickman.

Why hello there

Remember back 7 or so months, when I said "we're still alive, I promise"? Yeah, well...we still are. Just mildly more busy. Lizface, still in school. Me, working myself to death. But I was sitting here just now, bored, on the couch, watching yet another horribly depressing program about 9/11, when I thought....bloooooooooooooog.

So be on the lookout.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

We're still alive, I promise!

So we've been absent for a while...doing...things. For instance, Lizface is in school. I, on the other hand, am MOVING! It's been slow-going, but I've got pictures to prove that we are actually doing something.

First, we just had couch cushions. My mom modeled them for me.

And then we had couches! And an entertainment center that, at the moment, is not very entertaining. The tv is showing up tomorrow. Also, if you judge me for the stuffed animals, I will END YOU.

And I got a new bed! Which means new sheets! And new blankets! And new pillows! Which all, of course, means SHOPPING!!!!
So yeah, I don't get to actually stay in my new home for a couple of days yet. Work is insanity right now. But hopefully, animals will get moved Tuesday, and I can go sleep in that new new new bed!