So I just found this little gem of a clip doing one of my faaaavorite activi-tays: searching "how to" on the Youtube.
Check this bad mama-jama out.
It seems to me that anyone with EYES would see you doing all of this. If one of my friends said to me: "Hey, would you like to see me escape from a pair of handcuffs?", I would surely exclaim "HECK YES!" in a fit of pure joy. But if they did so like THAT dude, in such obvious fashion, I would not be able to disguise my unimpressedivity. The man CLEARLY states that he thinks he is Houdini (****disclaimer**** PnM does not stand by this statement, as the man quite clearly states that he is going to show the viewer how to escape just LIKE Houdini did, but as Bree is a crazy bitch and captain of the Let's Take Shit Literal squad, well, you get what you get).
Someone find me a clip of Houdini escaping from some handcuffs. Oh, why thank you, Interwebz. Please be aware that a good third of this video is simply Senor Houdini removing his clothing to some dramatic piano music, but AFTER that, he escapes from his handcuffs! Oooooh! Aaaaah! While I would generally think that a nice small distraction from the fact that you are bending a bobby pin and jamming into a tiny hole while looking like you're having a seizure would do the trick, the Houd'ster chooses to jump into a river. A bit of overkill, but all in all....meh, I'll take it. Let's revist my friend scenario from earlier.........
Friend: "Say, would you like to see me escape from a pair of handcuffs while JUMPING OFF A BRIDGE?!?!"
Me: "HECK YES!", in a fit of pure joy.
Friend dives into the water, comes up splishing and splashing like a mofo.
Me: "You are so amazing"
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