So, ladies and gentlemen (who are we kidding, we all know Rin is the only person who reads our blog), we present to you....
Bizarre Youtube Videos with Bree! In this section, your beloved (*ahem*) hostess will bring to your attention a
First up: THIS monstrosity of a puddle of crazy.
Everybody good and "what the fuck"ed out? Good. Let's get started.
Ok, first things first....WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO LOOK LIKE A UNICORN?! I mean, I love unicorns as much as the next freak, but I don't wander around thinking "how can I turn myself into a unicorn?!" at every moment of my day.
Second, is this girl Japanese? Cause I'm pretty sure she's faking it. I'm getting SERIOUS J-Pop America Funtime Now vibes off of this chick. (My apologies for the craptastic quality of the video in that link)
Nextnextnextnext, has anyone, in the history of people, ever met a person with that small of a face and that GINORMOUS of a set of eyeballs? And while we're on the subject of eyeballs, where does one buy My Little Pony contact lenses? Those seem like the sort of thing you'd have to go online to purchase, and I would imagine if you're able to purchase something online, enough people must be buying them for there to be a website devoted to selling them, WHICH MEANS.....there are more people out there trying to look like this.
Finally, does anyone else find this slightly racist? A little bit? A tad? And if so, do you find this more or less racist than someone wanting to dress up their friends half-asian 3 year old as a Wonton for Halloween?
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