jk jk i KNOW why this is in my favorites. my brother and i just spent about an hour on this site laughing our asses off.
click for lols
warning: one of these buttons WILL rick roll you
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Happy Birthday to Bree!
Look. It's Liz, Bree, and a drunk monkey.
Ok, no, wait....
It's Liz, drunk Bree, and a monkey?
Whatever, it's Bree's birthday, there's a monkey, his name is Rodrigo, deal with it!
Ok, no, wait....
It's Liz, drunk Bree, and a monkey?
Whatever, it's Bree's birthday, there's a monkey, his name is Rodrigo, deal with it!

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Just an update...
Liz and Bree got tattoos.
Neither of them cried like a bitch.
That is all.
Neither of them cried like a bitch.
That is all.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Oh Hell Yes
In exactly 7 hours, the crime-fighting combo of Bree and Liz will be together again. No doubt shenans are to follow. Yo.
File under:
eleganza extravaganza,
oh hell yes,
Patrick Stump
Loves it!!!
I wanna be friends with GloZell.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Oh gooooood for you!
I'm totes sick of hearing about Tiger and his wood. But this is a delight. A true, tasty delight.
File under:
aryan? jew? idk,
Christian Bale,
jesus effing christ,
Tiger Woods
Thursday, April 8, 2010
A Public Service Announcement
Please don't film your chubby children singing somewhat inappropriate songs for their age group while wearing too small character pajamas (please pronounce that like you're British, thank you). But, if you ignore this request, kindly place the results on the internet for me to enjoy. Thank you for your time.
File under:
oh holy hell,
oh holy shit,
wtf are they doing
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Weeping Angels are seriously the scariest monsters in the Doctor Who and Torchwood series. After the first time I saw them on Doctor Who I had nightmares and now I will never look at a statue the same way. Creepy as hell. Don't blink.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
D-Bag of the Whenever
So. Easter week. They've gotta have somethin GOOD on TV for all the religious freakos to get all freaky about, right? Right. And so they had. The D-bag of the Right Now comes to us via Macbeth Studio, where they apparently and allegedly recreated the face of Jesus. *Ahem* I'm sorry. The face of whoever is supposedly magi-magi-magically appearing on the Shroud of Turin (I wouldn't want to offhandedly offend anyone). Through most of the 2 hour long program (most of which was just repeating the same CRAP over and over again. I love filler!), there was a man talking. I honestly have no idea what this man said, because I couldn't stop staring at his freaking HAIR! So the current D-bag of the Whenever is....
Ray Downing's Hair!

Congratulations, and enjoy your reign!
P.S. Did anyone get my 3 wisemen reference?
Ray Downing's Hair!

Congratulations, and enjoy your reign!
P.S. Did anyone get my 3 wisemen reference?
File under:
D-bag of the Whenever,
seriously wtf?,
wacky hair
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