No, really. "Ummmm" is all I can come up with. See if YOU have better luck, cause...ummm.....yeah....
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Guess who's back, bitches.
I was desperately searching for a photo to put up as BotW, and I really wanted that picture of R-Patz lookin' a holy hot mess, but I could not come across it. Sooooo, this weeks Beard-o? Whoever created THIS little gem:

Yeah. You're welcome.
I was desperately searching for a photo to put up as BotW, and I really wanted that picture of R-Patz lookin' a holy hot mess, but I could not come across it. Sooooo, this weeks Beard-o? Whoever created THIS little gem:

Yeah. You're welcome.
File under:
Beard-o of the Week,
Harry Potter,
seriously wtf?
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
its been a while...
I just found this awesome blog post by a woman named Lauren Leto that is all about stereotyping people by their favorite author. It cracks me up and it is dead on. Mine, obviously:
Oscar Wilde
People who can’t resist anything. See also, people who claim they’re going to change but never do.
Oscar Wilde
People who can’t resist anything. See also, people who claim they’re going to change but never do.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Then by all means, click me.
File under:
hot tranny mess,
hours of endless fun,
Friday, July 2, 2010
it's Kingsley, bitch!
I had the same reaction to the HP trailer but I am still on the fence on whether I should spend money on Eclipse.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
File this under "what...the...eff...."
Those silly from The Real Housewives. This one wants to sing! Or...rap? Or...whatever, just watch it and try not to pee.
Monday, June 14, 2010
So if you know me at all you know how much I L.O.V.E Oscar Wilde. Last year a movie was made based on his novel "The Portrait of Dorian Gray" in Europe and it hasn't been released in the states yet and, until now, I haven't been able to find a decent copy online. Seriously though, I effing love this movie. Some of Wilde's best lines from the book are in here but it doesn't totally follow the story line. I always thought that it ended rather abruptly and this movie takes the story in a different place. It is pretty damn creepy too.
Oh wait, did I mention? Ben Barnes plays Dorian Gray. Yummy Yummy. Love him. It wasn't until this movie that I realized just how much he looks like William Beckett. Or, well, Beckett looks like him, he is older so I will give him that. Anyway, I want one for Christmas. (Ben or William, I'm not picky).
So yes, watch it. Let it corrupt your soul and if you haven't read the book yet you must do so or we will no longer be friends.
Dorian Gray (2009)
Oh wait, did I mention? Ben Barnes plays Dorian Gray. Yummy Yummy. Love him. It wasn't until this movie that I realized just how much he looks like William Beckett. Or, well, Beckett looks like him, he is older so I will give him that. Anyway, I want one for Christmas. (Ben or William, I'm not picky).
So yes, watch it. Let it corrupt your soul and if you haven't read the book yet you must do so or we will no longer be friends.
Dorian Gray (2009)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
drunken rant
You know what I really hate? Neapolitan ice cream. It acts so original but it totally just stole those flavors. Fucking neapolitan acting like it is the holy trinity of ice cream. My mom always buys it and I deal with it because sometimes you just gotta have some ice cream but it is so stupid. It acts like it is three flavors but if you don't separate those flavors in your bowl then it just tastes like chocolate. News flash! if I wanted chocolate ice cream I would have bought it. Stop acting so damn democratic neapolitan ice cream. I used to think it was pronouced "Napoleon." WTF? The 19th century ruler rumored to be the first antichrist? Pretty damn accurate when describing this unoriginal piece of shit ice cream.
Yeah, I just paused to take a bite of my ice cream but I still fucking hate it.
Yeah, I just paused to take a bite of my ice cream but I still fucking hate it.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Breaking News!
If I lived in Texas, you'd think this was me.
Monday, May 24, 2010
and now for the cutest webpage in my favorites
If you are like me you spend hours on youtube trying to find cute or funny cat videos to cheer you up when the mouth breathers at work are getting on your nerves. Here is the easiest way to ensure you find a cute cat video. KittehRoulette. Just like Chat Roulette you can watch as much of the video as you want and then click "next kitteh" for another random video. This one is my favorite so far.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Jesus is crying. Seriously.
This is terrific. Chris Klein auditioned for "Mamma Mia!". Seriously. And no matter how bad you THINK it's gotten, don't decide it's too much and turn it off. Watch the whole thing. He sings it again. And fucks it up. The forgetting of words, the voice cracking. It's priceless.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Are they out of their freaking MINDS?!
Apparently, APPAR-ENT-LY, the folks over at the Secretary of State's office (the DMV to those of you who don't live in Michigan) believe that I'm a good choice for jury duty. JURY DUTY! Have they completely lost it?!
I cannot wait for the whole jury selection process. I'm (most likely foolishly) hoping they ask a question along the lines of "are you a rational, stable person?", because then I can shout "NOPE, SURE AM NOT!" and skip my merry way to the door. Somehow, I doubt this will happen, though. I'm just not that lucky.
Obviously, the people working at the SOS are quite stupid. I'll be sure to keep you updated on just HOW stupid they prove to be, as soon as it is made known to me.
I cannot wait for the whole jury selection process. I'm (most likely foolishly) hoping they ask a question along the lines of "are you a rational, stable person?", because then I can shout "NOPE, SURE AM NOT!" and skip my merry way to the door. Somehow, I doubt this will happen, though. I'm just not that lucky.
Obviously, the people working at the SOS are quite stupid. I'll be sure to keep you updated on just HOW stupid they prove to be, as soon as it is made known to me.
Friday, May 14, 2010
It has come to my attention that we haven't had a Beard-o of the Week in quite some...weeks.
Without further ado, I bring you, the Beard-o of the Gahebajbdbhah (which is, in fact, the sound that exits my mouth every time I see Ian Somerhalder).
Without further ado, I bring you, the Beard-o of the Gahebajbdbhah (which is, in fact, the sound that exits my mouth every time I see Ian Somerhalder).

Monday, May 3, 2010
Zoe Boekbinder is amazingggggggg
Not even this can make me like this song.
This is for you, Lizzie.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
why is this in my favorites?
jk jk i KNOW why this is in my favorites. my brother and i just spent about an hour on this site laughing our asses off.
click for lols
warning: one of these buttons WILL rick roll you
click for lols
warning: one of these buttons WILL rick roll you
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Happy Birthday to Bree!
Look. It's Liz, Bree, and a drunk monkey.
Ok, no, wait....
It's Liz, drunk Bree, and a monkey?
Whatever, it's Bree's birthday, there's a monkey, his name is Rodrigo, deal with it!
Ok, no, wait....
It's Liz, drunk Bree, and a monkey?
Whatever, it's Bree's birthday, there's a monkey, his name is Rodrigo, deal with it!

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Just an update...
Liz and Bree got tattoos.
Neither of them cried like a bitch.
That is all.
Neither of them cried like a bitch.
That is all.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Oh Hell Yes
In exactly 7 hours, the crime-fighting combo of Bree and Liz will be together again. No doubt shenans are to follow. Yo.
File under:
eleganza extravaganza,
oh hell yes,
Patrick Stump
Loves it!!!
I wanna be friends with GloZell.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Oh gooooood for you!
I'm totes sick of hearing about Tiger and his wood. But this is a delight. A true, tasty delight.
File under:
aryan? jew? idk,
Christian Bale,
jesus effing christ,
Tiger Woods
Thursday, April 8, 2010
A Public Service Announcement
Please don't film your chubby children singing somewhat inappropriate songs for their age group while wearing too small character pajamas (please pronounce that like you're British, thank you). But, if you ignore this request, kindly place the results on the internet for me to enjoy. Thank you for your time.
File under:
oh holy hell,
oh holy shit,
wtf are they doing
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Weeping Angels are seriously the scariest monsters in the Doctor Who and Torchwood series. After the first time I saw them on Doctor Who I had nightmares and now I will never look at a statue the same way. Creepy as hell. Don't blink.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
D-Bag of the Whenever
So. Easter week. They've gotta have somethin GOOD on TV for all the religious freakos to get all freaky about, right? Right. And so they had. The D-bag of the Right Now comes to us via Macbeth Studio, where they apparently and allegedly recreated the face of Jesus. *Ahem* I'm sorry. The face of whoever is supposedly magi-magi-magically appearing on the Shroud of Turin (I wouldn't want to offhandedly offend anyone). Through most of the 2 hour long program (most of which was just repeating the same CRAP over and over again. I love filler!), there was a man talking. I honestly have no idea what this man said, because I couldn't stop staring at his freaking HAIR! So the current D-bag of the Whenever is....
Ray Downing's Hair!

Congratulations, and enjoy your reign!
P.S. Did anyone get my 3 wisemen reference?
Ray Downing's Hair!

Congratulations, and enjoy your reign!
P.S. Did anyone get my 3 wisemen reference?
File under:
D-bag of the Whenever,
seriously wtf?,
wacky hair
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
All together now, "awwww"
Dear Lizzie,
I got you a Josh Gates with an itty bitty adorable monkey.

P.S. You have to give him back.
I got you a Josh Gates with an itty bitty adorable monkey.

P.S. You have to give him back.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
It's early and I'm bored.
Someone in Beverly Hills keeps coming here from Google.
Who are you? And what are you googling that keeps bringing you here?
Just curious, dude. :)
Who are you? And what are you googling that keeps bringing you here?
Just curious, dude. :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
My birthday is approaching.
I want a Johnny Weir.
Someone get on this please.
Someone get on this please.
File under:
gays on parade,
Lady Gaga,
oh hell yes
It has come to our attention here at PnM that there are many people running around this beautiful planet that need to be acknowledged for their, let's call them "contributions" to society. These people apparently try very hard to get the attention they so desperately aspire to, and who are we to say "no!"?! Without further ado, we bring to you our newest feature: D-Bag of the Whenever! We will feature a new Douchetastic Loser at random invtervals (I'd love to say "weekly", but, as made obvious by some of our other features, we suck at deadlines).
The honor of being our first ever D-Bag of the Whenever goes to......
this doofus!

Yes, ladies and gen...*ahem* Yes, 3 people that actually read our blog, it's Zak Bagans of Ghost Adventures! If ever there were a crown for biggest douchebag, Mr. Bagans would be the owner of said crown. You can tune in to Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel (usually on Friday nights) to check out the D-baggyness in all its glory!
On a small side note, I will admit he's pretty hot in nightvision. If you turn the sound off.
The honor of being our first ever D-Bag of the Whenever goes to......
this doofus!

Yes, ladies and gen...*ahem* Yes, 3 people that actually read our blog, it's Zak Bagans of Ghost Adventures! If ever there were a crown for biggest douchebag, Mr. Bagans would be the owner of said crown. You can tune in to Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel (usually on Friday nights) to check out the D-baggyness in all its glory!
On a small side note, I will admit he's pretty hot in nightvision. If you turn the sound off.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
It's heeeeere.
This is pretty rough as far as video quality goes, but JESUS GOD....
I'm hoping Lizzie will find a better vid of this, but seriously. This man. Good Lord.
I'm hoping Lizzie will find a better vid of this, but seriously. This man. Good Lord.
File under:
goodnight patrick god,
oh my patrick,
patrick stump is amazing
Thursday, March 18, 2010
daily dose of wtf?
These pictures are 2 parts amusing and 8 parts scary as fuck.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
She's a stupid bitch.
This is the most ferocious thing I've seen in a while.
Loves it!
Loves it!
File under:
no yeah this is totally gay,
not gay but close
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
I really have nothing interesting to divulge today. Nor do I have anything remotely cute to show you. I'm simply tired of cleaning.
I hate how, in order to clean, you have to make things even messier. I had a very organized sort of mess in my habitat. I knew where things were, I just had to dig a bit to find them. Black sweater? Yeah, it's right here, under this pile of shoes.
But now, everything is strewn about all willy-nilly, and I probably couldn't find that black sweater if it had a freakin GPS beacon blasting a "come hither" signal away to some far off satellite, which, in turn, blasted a "hey dumbass, it's over here" signal back to my brain. Yes. I believe this is how that sort of thing works. I should work for NASA. Or the CIA. Or something.
Oh well. I'm off to dive back into the swirling black waters of mess-death.
I hate how, in order to clean, you have to make things even messier. I had a very organized sort of mess in my habitat. I knew where things were, I just had to dig a bit to find them. Black sweater? Yeah, it's right here, under this pile of shoes.
But now, everything is strewn about all willy-nilly, and I probably couldn't find that black sweater if it had a freakin GPS beacon blasting a "come hither" signal away to some far off satellite, which, in turn, blasted a "hey dumbass, it's over here" signal back to my brain. Yes. I believe this is how that sort of thing works. I should work for NASA. Or the CIA. Or something.
Oh well. I'm off to dive back into the swirling black waters of mess-death.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I think I should marry him
This is possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen online. Even cuter than videos of kittens? It's Justin Bieber! Who couldn't love that face?
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
A little glimpse into the mind of Bree...
Fun fact: I am TERRIFIED of nuns. I don't know why, I just am.

Seriously, how are people not completely freaked out by them?!?

Seriously, how are people not completely freaked out by them?!?
Why Hello
Dear Lizzie,
I got you a David Boreanaz in a bathtub.
Ok, maybe I got ME a David Boreanaz in a bathtub, but either way...
I got you a David Boreanaz in a bathtub.
Ok, maybe I got ME a David Boreanaz in a bathtub, but either way...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
this too shall pass
If you do not like OK GO then we simply cannot be friends. Here is their newest cinematic adventure.
OK Go - This Too Shall Pass from OK Go on Vimeo.
Your daily dose of WTF?
I have been hoarding wtf pics without posting them so I think I will make a massive post right now. Be ready to have your minds blown.

That is all.

That is all.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
since facebook is being a total deck
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
this kid just came out of the closet in a very big way
Fork in the garbage disposal? loves it.
Monday, February 15, 2010
I Gotta Jar of Diiirt
How can you NOT love this man?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
What. The. Fuck.
This is all cute and stuff. And then you get to the 40 second mark.
Holy Hell.
Also, Happy Birthday bb!
Holy Hell.
Also, Happy Birthday bb!
Monday, February 8, 2010
If I could tell a douchebag one thing, it would be this...
Saturday, February 6, 2010
two posts in one day?!
Yes, I have just discovered this amazingness while my nyquil has failed to work. Some brilliant minds put on a Harry Potter musical. It is hilarious. The guy who plays Harry looks like Wentz and Voldemort is super hot. Anyone know who these people are? I think Voldy's dancing has turned me to the dark side.
There are 23 separate videos. All of the links will be on the side of the main page. Enjoy!
There are 23 separate videos. All of the links will be on the side of the main page. Enjoy!
Friday, February 5, 2010
BEARDO of the week
Thursday, February 4, 2010
a moment of silence please
Sadly these past few years have seen a comeback of the dreaded word "hiatus." Over half of the music on my ipod is by bands that are no longer together. I am sad to say that things are looking pretty bleak for Bree and I's favorite band. So here is a list of my favorite bands that have recently broken up or gone on hiatus. These bands must have all been too fab to stay together. They simply exploded from amazingness. So let us all have a moment of silence for these great bands.
Fall Out Boy
The Format
The Matches
Something Corporate
The Hush Sound
The Movielife
October Fall
Panic at the Disco (this one might actually be a good idea though)
Fall Out Boy
The Format
The Matches
Something Corporate
The Hush Sound
The Movielife
October Fall
Panic at the Disco (this one might actually be a good idea though)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
woe is me
I know it has happened to all of you. The "who is this?" msn message. I have gotten a ton of different people onto my friend list over the years and sometimes forget who they are. Tonight's convo started innocently enough. I thought it was a girl I had met at an FOB show, it has happened before, how else would me a Bree be beffies? Anyway, I realized that I knew this person from livejournal and that she was a boy. He asked me to friend his account because he thinks he is a good writer and wanted my opinion. Anyway, here is the convo and how it has escalated to insanity. (btw, I don't actually think his writing is good, I am just too nice to tell him it sucks.) We started talking about FOB, of course I would talk to him about one of my favorite subjects but he was annoying me so I told him I was busy and he left but suddenly 30 minutes later he started to harass me again. Asking for advice was nice because I am too nice to just say no. Way to get myself caught up in shit lol.
- ;boycottlove- says:
Hey I need some advice
Liz~ "I wet my pants...but not because I was nervous" says:
- ;boycottlove- says:
Well, I liked this girl...we partied a lil she asked for some pics right so I thought I'd be clever and send her one in my boxers, she laughs over the pgone and says she has to show someone well that turned into everyone and now I get called all sorts of horrivle names idk dude bad
Liz~ "I wet my pants...but not because I was nervous" says:
she obv isn't worth your time
just laugh it off
easier said than done, i know
- ;boycottlove- says:
Very, and idk like I don't understand I'm just in my boxers I'm not fat why r ppl laughing??? I have chest hair haa
Here, this is it just don't laugh and be honest and tell me what's funny, it's not even a bad pic

Liz~ "I wet my pants...but not because I was nervous" says:
your boxers are fucked up, idk what you have in there but that is just sad
- ;boycottlove- says:
I have my you know there...why?
Liz~ "I wet my pants...but not because I was nervous" says:
right...well, if you are sending a pic of yourself in your underwear to someone on their phone you can just expect to be laughed at
us women just don't work that way
- ;boycottlove- says:
She asked for it though, ya know !???
And besides it isn't my boxers csuse i don't even have a boner there
yeah, you know you are too nice when guys you don't know are sending pics of their obviously stuffed boxers and hairyness to you. How was I to know that this convo would escalate to this? Promptly blocking this weirdo. ktnxbai.
- ;boycottlove- says:
Hey I need some advice
Liz~ "I wet my pants...but not because I was nervous" says:
- ;boycottlove- says:
Well, I liked this girl...we partied a lil she asked for some pics right so I thought I'd be clever and send her one in my boxers, she laughs over the pgone and says she has to show someone well that turned into everyone and now I get called all sorts of horrivle names idk dude bad
Liz~ "I wet my pants...but not because I was nervous" says:
she obv isn't worth your time
just laugh it off
easier said than done, i know
- ;boycottlove- says:
Very, and idk like I don't understand I'm just in my boxers I'm not fat why r ppl laughing??? I have chest hair haa
Here, this is it just don't laugh and be honest and tell me what's funny, it's not even a bad pic

Liz~ "I wet my pants...but not because I was nervous" says:
your boxers are fucked up, idk what you have in there but that is just sad
- ;boycottlove- says:
I have my you know there...why?
Liz~ "I wet my pants...but not because I was nervous" says:
right...well, if you are sending a pic of yourself in your underwear to someone on their phone you can just expect to be laughed at
us women just don't work that way
- ;boycottlove- says:
She asked for it though, ya know !???
And besides it isn't my boxers csuse i don't even have a boner there
yeah, you know you are too nice when guys you don't know are sending pics of their obviously stuffed boxers and hairyness to you. How was I to know that this convo would escalate to this? Promptly blocking this weirdo. ktnxbai.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
You Suck.
I'm stepping up on my soapbox. If you don't like it, I really don't care.
Everywhere I turn, someone is bitching about the aid being sent to the people of Haiti. "We have homeless people HERE", "We have people without food HERE", it just goes on and on. What are you not seeing about the situation going on in Haiti??? Are you blind? Or just dumb as fuck? These people have NOTHING, and NO ONE to help them. For so many many MANY people, everything they've ever known is GONE, with no warning whatsoever.
I understand there are homeless people in need here, I understand that there are people without jobs, without food, without money to take care of their families.
And here's my question to YOU, oh bitcher-of-the-help: WHAT DID YOU GIVE TO THOSE PEOPLE?
I bet my left arm that you didn't donate a single penny to help all of those people here in the country you so vehemently insist needs the help more than those in Haiti, aside from maybe the handful of change you chuck at the Salvation Army every year at Christmas. Yet you have the balls to sit there, and BITCH that your fellow Americans felt generous enough to give what they could to help. The people in this country that need help have been in need for a long time, since way before the earthquake in Haiti, yet NOW they are of sudden importance to you. NOW you post messages on your Facebook about how these people need help. Where was your "compassion" for your neighbors before compassion was being shown elsewhere?
Shame on you, you douchey fuckface. Because that's EXACTLY what you are.
Everywhere I turn, someone is bitching about the aid being sent to the people of Haiti. "We have homeless people HERE", "We have people without food HERE", it just goes on and on. What are you not seeing about the situation going on in Haiti??? Are you blind? Or just dumb as fuck? These people have NOTHING, and NO ONE to help them. For so many many MANY people, everything they've ever known is GONE, with no warning whatsoever.
I understand there are homeless people in need here, I understand that there are people without jobs, without food, without money to take care of their families.
And here's my question to YOU, oh bitcher-of-the-help: WHAT DID YOU GIVE TO THOSE PEOPLE?
I bet my left arm that you didn't donate a single penny to help all of those people here in the country you so vehemently insist needs the help more than those in Haiti, aside from maybe the handful of change you chuck at the Salvation Army every year at Christmas. Yet you have the balls to sit there, and BITCH that your fellow Americans felt generous enough to give what they could to help. The people in this country that need help have been in need for a long time, since way before the earthquake in Haiti, yet NOW they are of sudden importance to you. NOW you post messages on your Facebook about how these people need help. Where was your "compassion" for your neighbors before compassion was being shown elsewhere?
Shame on you, you douchey fuckface. Because that's EXACTLY what you are.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Bree is bored and playing around on Youtube. Lucky You.
Watch this man get totally pwned by a fish to the side of the head
I have found my own personal Hell
Wanna feel better about yourself?
Why does this happen? Did people learn NOTHING from Tina Chen????
Speaking of Tina her lose her shit at 1:11, and then calmly turn off the cam
I have found my own personal Hell
Wanna feel better about yourself?
Why does this happen? Did people learn NOTHING from Tina Chen????
Speaking of Tina her lose her shit at 1:11, and then calmly turn off the cam
Thursday, January 21, 2010
oh fuck that
now i feel all itchy...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Vacation Accommodations
Planning a trip soon? By all means, please stay here.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Beard-o of the Week
This week's BotW is MGG (if you don't understand that, please remove yourself from the rock you live under).
Go ahead.
Try arguing with me that there's no beard.
Just try.

Also, lilac sweater vest???? Adorable.
Go ahead.
Try arguing with me that there's no beard.
Just try.

Also, lilac sweater vest???? Adorable.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
drama fail
i don't know what's better, the man proclaiming "that's not good", or the girls scream of "OMG!" when they send her flying instead of peter pan
Friday, January 1, 2010
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