Saturday, May 25, 2013

Things Bree Is Obsessed With Part Deux

In this installment of Things Bree Is Obsessed With (or Things With Which Bree Is Obsessed for those of you who love grammar), we're going to cover ALL THE THINGS!

First up, the ALL THE THINGS meme. I less than three it. A lot. I say it. A lot.

Secondlyyyyyy, I'm not sure how many of you are learned individuals, but this man sounds like one, and if he sounds smart, I am going to assume that he is. He did an experiment. With monkeys (Sidebar, Bree is also obsessed with monkeys, but we can talk about that later). Watch it. Be entertained. I am obsessed with this for numerous reasons. First, the guys accent kicks. Second, the smart man makes a funny at the :59 mark. Next, how excited the monkey gets when he sees the other monkey get a grape. He's all "OOOOH! GRAPE! I GOTTA GET ME SOME OF THAT!". Adorable! And then, how PISSED THE EFF OFF that monkey gets when he does NOT get a grape. Even. More. Adorable.

Third thing third thing third thing! THIS!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Song You Should Love

Kindly ignore the gore, and enjoy this ear-y delight.

Beard-o of the Holy Crap It's Been A While

So after probably months and months of radio silence, I remembered how to turn on my computer! Hurray! Which, lucky for YOU, dear (lack of) readers, means MORE POSTS! Weeeeee!

So my first stop on the Tour de Fun is BotW. This weeks beard-o is Allen from The Hangover. But only the first one, because I hated the second one, and as I have yet to SEE the third one, I will not pass judgement on it.

So yay for Allen (y Carlos)!

Where Is Your Boy. No Seriously, Where Is He?

So it only took them 5 years, but my ears feel at peace once more. They're also still sort of ringing. Two days later. Yes. Yes yes yes yesssssssss. We had balcony seats. Which was cool. Cuz we didn't have to die in a pit of disease (pretty sure that's what happened down on the main floor, because it was hot as all hell in that venue), AND we had an unobstructed view. I'll take it. Sure, it felt like the whole place was going to collapse in shambles every time a song started. Sure, I spent most of the night pretty dizzy and terrified I was going to fall over the railing. But it's Fall Out Boy. Pretty sure I'd watch them from a chair filled with tacks. 

 Not sure if "I see you there, enjoying my music" or "Sit your ass down, fucker".

I don't recall Pete yelling at anyone at any point during the show. Mostly he just mumbled, so that as the next song started, everyone was sort of looking at each other like "...what did he just s - OH HEY I LOVE THIS SONG!". So what he was saying here, I truly do not know.

Pete's wearing some kind of skirt/cape/dress. We couldn't quite figure it out. I'm tempted to email Joan Rivers and ask her if she's got any thoughts. Just no. 

                                                         All is right in my world again.