Thursday, September 24, 2009


I should really keep up on this better, ya know?

So the song for today is Bebe Buell, by Chester French. I even included a spicy little link in there, for you to steal it. Let's see how long it is before I'm arrested!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

On second thought...

...go watch ALL their videos: 5awesomegays

This is your Bree. This is your Bree on drugs.

I apologize for anything I post tonight, as I have just ingested double the recommended dosage on a Tylenol Cold Severe Congestion box. I also have taken in what would probably add up to about 8,927% of the daily recommended dosage of Vitamin C. Oh, and some juice.

On THAT note...


p.s. i love this guy, i want him to be my gay husband

Bree went to get drugs and left me alone with the interwebz

Bree and I are a lot of things but first and foremost we are immature. This is probably why we still get a kick out of this picture.

I will successfully link if it is the last thing I do!

I feel bad that Bree is making about 90% of the posts on here but I am just not as funny as that crazy betch. If I plan on this blog gaining recognition and making me a fortune I have got to start making a contribution. So I have decided to add a new weekly (honestly, whenever I decide to post something) feature. It is called "Why the hell do I have that in my favorites?" or "wthdihtimf?" for short. Basically, I have taken a look at the long list of favorites that I use as a control center for the internet and have found some really hilarious ones (most, not suprisingly, having to do with Fall Out Boy). I figured I could share them with you. Some of these websites are great for checking every day to get a good laugh but this first one I cannot figure out how it got into this prestigious list of favorites. It is still good for a laugh however.

clickity click

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Beard-o of the Week

This week's BotW is someone that we here at PnM wish desperately would grow a beard.

And not just any, every day, run-of-the-mill beard.

A gigantic, fantastical beard of epic proportions!!!

President Barack Obama!! Maybe what he needs to get people on the health care bandwagon (we here at PnM, or at least me, I will not speak for Liz on this point, believe that health insurance companies ruin the health care system, and if something's not working, should it not be fixed? I'll save the rest of my rant for another post), or to bring up this poor down-trodden economy, is just a face full of beard!!
Come on, B-man (yes, we're that close), what do you say????

Thursday, September 17, 2009

you mean i just have to click?

in case you were wondering why you never have to copy and paste to get to the links liz posts, it is because i fix them for her after she posts her updates :)

im going to add "liz's link fixer" to my resume and see what happens

probably nothing

back to the drawing board with me

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

just call me "the baconator"

I know that everyone reading this blog (and there are a lot of you ;)) is wondering where Liz has been lately. Well, your homegirl got a job. I am currently employed in a meat packing plant. Yes, you heard right, meat packing. Now if you know me at all you are probably stunned, trust me, I am too, but I need the money and it is only temporary. The smell of bacon eventually comes off the skin after a good scrubbin' but the fact that one day I had to use a pitchfork to scoop up nasty little pieces of bacon into a machine just disgusts me. Only 13 more days until I start my real job. Hope I will survive.

If you, unlike me, are a fan of bacon I have a great link for you.
the bacon store, brought to you by one of my favorite little sites

loves it!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What the fuck, monkey?!

No idea what the hell language this is in, but the monkey makes me giggle.



Music for the day...hmm....

let's go with anything from Folie à Deux

Beard-o of the Week

I'm back, betches.

This week's Beard-o?
Only the funniest bitch on TV.