Wednesday, June 16, 2010

File this under "what...the...eff...."

Those silly from The Real Housewives. This one wants to sing! Or...rap? Or...whatever, just watch it and try not to pee.


Monday, June 14, 2010


So if you know me at all you know how much I L.O.V.E Oscar Wilde. Last year a movie was made based on his novel "The Portrait of Dorian Gray" in Europe and it hasn't been released in the states yet and, until now, I haven't been able to find a decent copy online. Seriously though, I effing love this movie. Some of Wilde's best lines from the book are in here but it doesn't totally follow the story line. I always thought that it ended rather abruptly and this movie takes the story in a different place. It is pretty damn creepy too.

Oh wait, did I mention? Ben Barnes plays Dorian Gray. Yummy Yummy. Love him. It wasn't until this movie that I realized just how much he looks like William Beckett. Or, well, Beckett looks like him, he is older so I will give him that. Anyway, I want one for Christmas. (Ben or William, I'm not picky).

So yes, watch it. Let it corrupt your soul and if you haven't read the book yet you must do so or we will no longer be friends.

Dorian Gray (2009)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

drunken rant

You know what I really hate? Neapolitan ice cream. It acts so original but it totally just stole those flavors. Fucking neapolitan acting like it is the holy trinity of ice cream. My mom always buys it and I deal with it because sometimes you just gotta have some ice cream but it is so stupid. It acts like it is three flavors but if you don't separate those flavors in your bowl then it just tastes like chocolate. News flash! if I wanted chocolate ice cream I would have bought it. Stop acting so damn democratic neapolitan ice cream. I used to think it was pronouced "Napoleon." WTF? The 19th century ruler rumored to be the first antichrist? Pretty damn accurate when describing this unoriginal piece of shit ice cream.

Yeah, I just paused to take a bite of my ice cream but I still fucking hate it.