Friday, May 29, 2009

someone call the nobel prize committee

so there was this crazy seal at the zoo today....were walking through this giant underwater tunnel of doom, where the seals can swim over you, and i see this seal just chilling underwater, not moving, just sitting there, and im like, well whatever could he possibly be doing????

the fucker was getting a facial! he was sitting in the water, facing the water filter that blows water into the tank...its hard to see in the video, but his face and neck were all ripply from the force of the water...hed sit there for a little bit, then pop up for air (he does that about halfway through the video), then come back down and sit in front of the filter again

this seals a fucking genius!


funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Thursday, May 28, 2009


ive been thinking about it, and im torn between a couple different choices for todays SotD...i suppose ill just have to suck it up and pick one, since its really not important in any way, shape, todays SotD iiiiiiiiiiiiiiis................

"She Doesn't Get It" by The Format

go get it, betches!

Beard-o of the Week

This week's BotW has a hilarious movie coming out in just a couple weeks, and he's super funny. Therefore, we bestow upon Zack Galifianakis the title of Beard-o of the Week!

Thanks for always looking like a creepy mountain man, Zack!

in case you forgot about him....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

you dumdum!

so im sure you all remember me telling you to not get the swine flu

apparently people within my circle DO NOT FUCKING LISTEN


someone has the swine flu


it is neither myself nor liz

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Song of the Day

after some consideration, i decided that coming up with a playlist was too taxing (yes, 5 songs is just too much for my laziness)...therefore, i shall be presenting you all with "bree's song you should be listening to all day long, and if you don't have it, you need to go download it asap, kthxbai", which shall, from this point forward, be known as "bree's song of the day, go download it, betches", or more simply "bree's SOD" (if it's not complicated, it's not fuuuun!)

so! today's SOD is.....

"it's hard to say i do when i don't" by fall out boy

go download it, betches

Beard-o Of The Week

We here at PnM are proud to present our next installment of Beard-o of the Week. Since we want to include equally both Beard-os we enjoy, and Beard-os we would like to see sent to a fiery afterlife of eternal damnation, this weeks Beard-o is none other than....

Spencer Pratt, and his creepy flesh-colored beard!

Way to go, douchebag! Keep on keepin' on!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

listen up, betches

as i am the awesomest person EVER (with the only exception in this category going to my PIC, liz), i have decided that i should tell you what songs you should listen to

so i now present to you, bree's playlist of the day:

1. Good Girls Go Bad - Cobra Starship feat. Leighton Meester
2. Die Tonight Live Forever - Innerpartysystem
3. Popular - The Veronicas
4. Time To Pretend - MGMT
5. Shores Of California - The Dresden Dolls


what did he ever do to you, taxman?

im quite sure that this pheasant was not this evil in life, yet the taxidermist seems to have captured that "I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL AND SEND YOU A REALM OF ETERNAL DAMNATION" rather well, no?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

that's what SHE said (aka bree's point of view)

just th0ught i would share my comments on liz's previous post, as the entire sequence of events is seared into my brain....

yes, i was enjoying the concert as made obvious in the first pic, screaming and reaching for peter wentz with the rest of the soon as he made his way onto the bar, i knew he was going to dive, and i started making a plan of how to protect my face...i looked around, and saw liz going in the opposite direction, towards the stage, and figured she was safe, but when i turned back to pete, i noticed he was changing directions (much like a rogue tornado, for all you meteorologists reading this), and when he jumped, he headed straight for a god damned bullet out of a gun....if you notice, in the bottom picture, my outstretched arm was my attempt at helping liz....yes, i am fully aware i was at least 8 feet away from her, but i suppose it was the thought that counted.

but not if you ask her glasses

Saturday, May 16, 2009

9 months later...

It took a while for me to find these pictures considering I have an obsession with the internet and with Fall Out Boy but there is now photographic evidence of Bree and I at the Fall Out Boy secret show in Chicago!

This first one is during the song "Saturday." Pete decided to stand on the bar, I decided to run to Patrick while everyone was crowding around the Wentz. Notice Bree enjoying the concert like a normal person and I am somewhere off screen hunting for some Stump(h).

This second one is an instant classic. You may remember me saying that Pete's ass broke my glasses, yeah, now you can see it for yourself. Moments after the first picture Pete decided to jump into the crowd. Seeing as I was concentrating on Patrick, I never saw it coming. Bree is enjoying the concert and no doubt laughing at the look of iminent death on my face. Notice my hand on his shoulder trying to push him off of me. Hilarious!


So whilst driving about the beautiful city of Minneapolis today, Miss Liz and I came up with something new with which to amuse ourselves, and hopefully you as well. It all goes back to a conversation we were having just last night, as we were trying to fall asleep (to the gentle and soulful sounds of the man in the next room snoring his ASS off). We were discussing boys in bands that we like, and their super creepy beards. We talked about many things, including how ridiculous some non-bearded band members would look, should they mysteriously grow a beard. Naturally, as we were driving around today, the subject came up again, and we began to refer to these boys as "beard-os" (think weirdos, with a "b"). Then we thought, what if there were a way to bring these Beard-os to the general public! Well get ready, general public, because from this day forward, the girls here at PnM are excited to bring to you the......


This weeks Beard-o is none other than Mr. Joe Trohman from Fall Out Boy. I believe it is clear why he was chosen to be our very first Beard-o, as both Liz and myself are predominantly obsessed with FOB and basically everything they do, including beard growing. With the exception of one of them. We'll leave it up to you to determine which one THAT would be...

Stay tuned each week for a new BOTW!

Friday, May 15, 2009

shenans everywhere!

minne doesn't know what's hit it

liz and i just spent 45 minutes in a restaurant, laughing so hard we couldn't breathe

tiny chinese child with a big curly moustache drawn on with what i can only assume was a sharpie

some random meeting in the back of the restaurant during which everyone randomly clapped and hollered and whistled incredibly loud without explanation

life is good

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bree Presents...

Her Favorite Infomericals!

First up, My Lil' Reminder. The woman who can't find her car? Priceless. The woman who can't find her car but uses My Lil' Reminder and realizes where she parked? FUCKING HILAR!!!

Next, it's Loud N' Clear! The perfect way to eavesdrop on EVERYONE YOU FUCKING KNOW! *Disclaimer* Loud N Clear will NOT make you an invincible bingo player.

Up next, the Snuggie. I have several problems with this "product". First, I've never had a blanket "slip and slide", and I've also never been "trapped inside" of one. Second, fleece is luxurious? SINCE WHEN!? Cold feet? That's what socks are for. And if I ever saw a family at a sporting event, and all of them were wearing Snuggies? I would mow them down with a gat. Yes. Yes, I just went ghetto on their Snuggie wearing asses.

And finally, this guy is my hero....

fucking dumbass, come on down!

i almost kinda feel bad for this lady...then again...she's mildly retarded, as far as i can tell

Saturday, May 9, 2009


i believe i am being driven crazy by twitter...i find myself unable to NOT pay attention to every little tweet that comes my i really care if two people from a band are sitting together in a hotel lobby laughing about farts? no i do not, but damnit, i will read about it until my eyeballs practically explode

i dont even know what trending topics ARE, but if pete wentz says "jump!", i apparently respond "yes sir, how high?"

Friday, May 8, 2009

Giddy Up!

I don't know if you have heard but it is one week until me and Bree are reunited. The results could be disastrous to you and your city, Minneapolis, but nothing quite as frightening as this:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

how many weeks???

one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
one week!
